7 tuotetta koirille


2 tuotetta kissoille


3 tuotetta hevosille


Opi lisää – tule mukaan Nutrolin®-jengiin!

Tilaa uutiskirje


Ikääntyvän harrastuskoiran fysiikasta ja kunnosta huolehtiminen

Miten tukea ikääntyvää harrastuskoiraa oikeilla omegoilla?

Ilman teitä ei olisi meitä

Välillä huomasin, että jos treenasimme Julièn kanssa paljon, sen maha meni sekaisin. Kuin tilauksesta Nutrolin® lanseerasi GUT & FLORAN!

Kissan akneen apua Nutrolin® Cat Seniorista

Kissan ärhäkkään akneen auttoi Nutrolin®, jota eläinlääkäri osasi suositella.


Woohoo, weekend adventures are ahead! The safest way to explore the world with a cat is to put your friend on a leash. Musti here has been getting acquainted with safe travels at a very early age. He loooooves overnight stays in a hotel! Well, who doesn't 💚#Nutrolinlife #Nutrolin #Nutrolincats #viikonloppu #weekendfun
Oh, how we all horse owners love this time of year, and horses undoubtedly love it even more! The lush, green grass we’ve all been eagerly awaiting is finally here.⁣
#Nutrolinlife #Nutrolin #Nutrolinhorses #spring #kevät #hevonen #häst
#OmegaMonday Omega-3 fatty acids benefit pregnant mares, improving their health and supporting foal development. Continued supplementation during lactation enhances these benefits. Stallions can also benefit from omega-3s, improving sperm quality and chances of successful breeding. These fatty acids are a valuable addition to equine diets for reproductive success.Our recommendation to support breeding is the Finnish Nutrolin® HORSE Sport, which contains plenty of EPA and DHA fatty acids.#Nutrolinlife #Nutrolin #Nutrolinhorses #hevonen #hästliv #Equestrian #hevoskasvatus #varsa #foal #föl #mare #horsebreeding #breedingstallion
Monday blues got you down? 🫠#BusyBee #Sloth #monday #nutrolinlife
Happy Mother's Day to all the devoted dog mamas and mom dogs! Today is your day to be celebrated and appreciated for all the love, care, and joy you bring into our lives 🐾 💚Today is Lina's first Mother's Day and Lily´s second. Here they pose with some of their offspring, from left to right: VeeJii, Taimi, Lily, Lina, and Ninja.

Nutrolin® Suomi